Wednesday, 17 October 2007

E-40, Tell me when to go

Think the video captures the energy of the track and 'hyphy' hip hop sub-culture. It portrays the animated car culture and community aspect of scene really well. Between the artists performing, the shots of the street party aids the music giving it a clear context rather that people dancing around in some club or on a yacht somewhere.


Anonymous said...

There seems to be a conflict between the less 'polished' environments that the video is shot in (as you say, not clubs or yachts, but at street parties and within a community) and the way the video is shot in the more 'polished' widescreen aspect, or is that just a sign that artists have to conform with MTV's conventions or not get aired at all?

Dean said...

The video seems to be quite typical of a 'hip-hop' video showing a real sense of community and vibrancy. The excitement that the crowd appears to have is contrasted with much starker images of 'the hood'. It shows both the good and bad sides to their community.