Wednesday 23 January 2008

Square Map Of Q4

In a paper I came across a dance company called Bonachela Dance Company, who are putting on a show at the moment called 'Square Map Of Q4'. Amongst its physical and sensual components, it deals with the interraction between technology and dance. It is a combination of four individual sections, (Q1, Q2, etc) 6 dancers and bizzare body movements that are characteristic of Bonachela (the choreographer) and his technical critique. Their website (the link) explains,

'Bonachela has a reputation for pushing at the boundaries of what dance can be. In his new work, he explores the increasingly blurred borders between technology and classicism, the synthetic and the organic and between high art and popular culture.'

However, what caught my eye especially, was that they collaborated with lighting designer Alan MacDonald to create a 3-Dimensional effect on the peformance. The idea, apparently, is to use film as a source of light that gets subliminally filtered through the movement. You will see fleeting images, some of which will be as quick as a human blink, adding to the human/technological divide. If you blink, you will miss it. These sources of light would be a lot like the ones we saw in 'OR' by Dumbtype. They are images that, like when a shutter is opened on a camera, are imprinted on our minds until the next flash of illuminating light hits the stage. Photographs are on the website as well as a good few videos on youtube.
Rafael Bonachela's website hosts images and records of his work: