Thursday, 17 January 2008

Course Outline Part II. Spring Term

Please Note change to weeks 4 and 7.

Week 1. Case Studies in Contemporary Multimedia Performance I
- contemporary Japanese video performance, Kyupi Kyupi, Dumb Type PH, OR and S/N
- Cynthia Gedrich and Woodrow Hood, ‘Noise and Nudity: Kyoto’s Dumb Type’ Theatre Forum #18 (Winter/Spring 2001), 3-11.

Week 2. 15/01 Case Studies in Contemporary Multimedia Performance II
- Blast Theory: Kidnap, Desert Rain
- Matthew Causey ‘The Screen Test of the Double: The Uncanny Performer in the Space of Technology’ Theatre Journal 51.4 (1999) 383-394

Week 3. 22/01 Case Studies in Contemporary Multimedia Performance III
- New Australian performance
- Artspace and P Space
- Monica Tikachek, The King Pins, Tony Schwensen
- Scheer, E. (2006) ‘Documents of Paradox: Negotiating Liveness in Video Art’ The Ends of the 60s. Performance, Media and Contemporary Culture, Peter Eckersall and E. Scheer eds., Sydney: Performance Paradigm. 128-35

Week 4. 29/01 Towards a posthuman performance
- Stelarc: Movatar and other actions
- Critical Art Ensemble
- What is post-humanism?
- Cybernetics
- Gabriella Giannachi, ‘Cyborg Theatre’ in Virtual Theatres: an Introduction
- Edward Scheer ‘Performing Indifference, An Interview With Stelarc’ Performance Paradigm Journal of Performance and Contemporary Culture. #1, (March 2005)

Week 5. 05/02 New cultural media
- Hacktivism and digital politics, activist sites, flashmobs
- Digital performance
- The production of identity in Blogs and Myspace
- Rebecca Schneider, ‘Nomadmedia: On Critical Art Ensemble’
TDR: The Drama Review - Volume 44, Number 4 (T 168), Winter 2000
- Jon McKenzie, ‘Hacktivism and Machinic Performance’ in Performance Paradigm Journal of Performance and Contemporary Culture #1 March 2005
- Michael Rush ‘Digital Art’ in New Media in Late 20th Century Art, 168-217.
- John Potts and Andrew Murphie from ‘Digital Aesthetics’ in Culture and Technology, 66-83.

Week 6. Reading week

Week 7. 19/02 Video Installation and time-based art
- Bill Viola confessional video,
- Martin Arnold, Cinemnesis
- Guillermo Gomez-Pena
- Gabriella Giannachi, ‘Towards an Aesthetic of Virtual Reality’ in Virtual Theatres: an Introduction
- Michael Rush ‘Video Installation Art’ in New Media in Late 20th Century Art, 116-167

Week 8. 26/02 Performative Architectures
- Rafael Lozano-Hemmer. UnderScan and BodyMovies
- Diller and Scofidio: ‘The Blur Building’ 2002
- Krzysztof Wodiczko ‘Projections’ various 1991
- Nick Kaye, from Site-Specific Art. Performance, Place and Documentation, 33-41.

Weeks 9,10. 4,11/03 Powerpoint presentations
- Individual and small group consultations with lecturer (summaries due)
- rehearsals
- Presentations and discussion