Tuesday 27 November 2007

Linkin Park - Faint

Hey guys and girls,

I had some trouble with my internet for a while so I am just appearing on this blog but am going to catch up as best as I can. My video to start with is 'Faint' by Linkin Park. Its a track from their second album 'Meteora'. It is the first video they did that showed a live performance of sorts. It was shot from behind the band on stage with a large crowd in front of them and a huge wall of lights behind the crowd. Almost the whole video is shot in siluette with the band being suddenly illuminated at the end of the song, which lets it down a little in my opinion. However, The video is fast and cuts from member to member with almost every beat. The effect to having their faces hidden for most of it, is quite refreshing and adds a different angle to the way many music videos glorify the identity and features of the artists. With the siluette effect, things beging to look differently. The water for example, being poured over the drummers head in the middle and when the lead singer sprays the water in an arch towards the end. I also like that the light intensity is dimmed and raised according to the intensity of the moment in the song. Tell me what you think and also notice the guitarist about halfway through flipping his guitar around his head!

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