Monday 2 June 2008

Good Luck everybody!

Friday 23 May 2008

If you're into Wodiczko..

As part of my Exilic exam I did a case study on Wodiczko and his work utilising technology to open up communication between 'locals' and the other. Alien Staff for example, is quite literally a staff with a video camera on top which tells the story of the exile supporting it below. The material is edited so that accent/grammar issues are removed, ensuring a better telling and indirectly, more freedom of expression for the exile.
From a multimedia viewpoint debates such as live v mediated through the use of the video camera, or technology overtaking the body or rather substituting it to open poor communications are relevant. Also as part of our course we looked at Kaye's article on Wodiczko; this was about his projections onto buildings, but maybe some examples of Wodiczko's political subversions through technology in other areas may be useful.
In case anyone is interested, the book that I used for Exilic is by Alan Read, Architecturally Speaking, (but be warned: its only a three day loan..)

Tuesday 20 May 2008


Hi everyone,

Heres an article on 'time-based media art' on the tate modern website. Its quite simplistic but I think useful if your tackling the exam question, surrounding 'new-media in art'.



Saturday 17 May 2008

Double Agent

This is just a belated advertisment for the Mead Gallery's Double Agent exhibit, a multimedia installation which combines sculpture, video art, film, audience participation and (if you show up on a Saturday) includes artist Donelle Woolford creating original works live in the gallery.

The link above goes to the official rubric (which is pretty basic) but it's an interesting installation, especially if you're considering looking at ideas of performance and performativity.

Wednesday 14 May 2008

DJ Yoda (Again)

Just in response to Deans post.

I dont think this is taken from Dj Yodas current tour "Magic cinema show", But its a clearer illustration of his interaction between video and sound. He plays along side the famous 'dualing banjo' scene from deliverance, manipulating a prerecorded performance in real-time.



Just thought that this was an interesting clip to show you all. It also links quite nicely with the powerpoint presentation that I was a part of...

I went to see DJ Yoda in Oxford a couple of weeks ago and he has apparently been working with a technology company in order to develop an exciting, new 'video-jockey' programme. His tour is called 'THE MAGIC CINEMA SHOW' and he effectively controls both video and music in order to create a... magical cinema if you like haha!

It was an amazing experience to go and see this live and I am considering going to see it again. Just thought I'd add it to the blog for people to have a look at.

Friday 2 May 2008

The Girl with X-ray Eyes

The Girl with X-ray Eyes

Phillip Warnell's new film is being premiered in a
special event at Warwick Arts Centre on Thursday 8th May at 6pm

This is going to be a very unsual event that incorporates music, media and performance. As well as the film there will be a live theremin accompaniment (non-contact intrument often used in science fiction movies, and now very popular with musicians). Also, Steven Connor (Birkbeck) will speak on the popular fantasy of acquiring x-ray vision, and the Werner Herzog short documentary 'Bells from the Deep' will be screened (a rare screening on film).
Following the event (which starts at 6) there will be a reception in the Mead Gallery to launch the book 'The Girl with X-ray Eyes'.
admission for students is only £2.50 - but you need to book your ticket through the Arts Centre box office

Hope to see some of you there....